Les Demoiselles D'Avignon

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“Les Demoiselles d’Avignon” is one of Pablo Picasso’s most famous artworks; it is credited as the beginning of cubism. This oil on canvas painting is almost square at 243.9cm x 233.7cm, and depicts five nude women in still form. “Les Demoiselles d’Avignon” is semi-abstract, for the women are unrealistic but still recognisable. The women in this paining are (as many women who pose for art are) prostitutes. This explains the artworks title, which translates to "The Young Women of Avignon”. Avignon is a street in Barcelona’s red light district. Cool colours such as cream and pale yellow are used for the women’s skin, each being a slightly different colour. The background of the painting seems to be a white curtain of a window, which is draped around the women’s bodies. The background is a mix of white, brown, grey and blue. Different tones are used for the background and the skin, in order for the background to mix naturally with the women. This creates the impression that the background is as important as the subjects in focus. Picasso’s choices of colour enhance the painting without distracting from the women’s figures, which are indisputably the main focus of the artwork. Each woman’s figure is comprised of sharp angles and curves. As we look across the painting from left to right, the faces become more distorted. Influences of African and Iberian artwork are blatant in the faces of these women, which work to make the women appear masculine and primitive. The shapes that form the background, along with the women’s angular curves, make the artwork seem faceted like a diamond. When one looks at Les Demoiselles d’Avignon, they feel as if they are being challenged. Every woman in this painting has a mismatched pair of eyes, and Picasso made them appear to be staring right at you, almost as if they are challenging you. This artwork has created such an outstanding mark in
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