The Benefits Of Leisure Activities: The Importance Of Leisure Activities

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There are many activities that may be regarded as leisure activities such as: Swimming, walking, football and other sports, reading, listening to music and craft making etc Participation in leisure activities aids the wellbeing of individuals in many ways. For example it gives individuals an enjoyable and fun activity to take part in, in their free time that is controlled and of their choice and not dictated to by employers, family etc. It can also be very beneficial to individual’s physical wellbeing if it involves some form of exercise and moving around and there are many studies to show that the improvement of physical wellbeing and mental wellbeing are very closely linked i.e. a reduction in stress levels. Many individuals choose to take part in leisure activities so that they become more socially active and less isolated as it can often lead to an increase in friendship circles, a sense of belonging and a boost to overall self-esteem and confidence.…show more content…
• The chance to learn some new skills or discover hidden talents that can be used in other areas of
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