Legislation over View Svq

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Health and safety at work Act 1974 This act puts a duty on employers to: • ensure the health and safety at work for all employees. • Provide and maintain equipment and systems which are ssafe and not a rsik to employees health in terms of use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances. • Provide information, training and supervision relating to health and safety at work. Managers have a duty to: • Maintain a safe working environment for all staff and ensure that all staff adhere to policies, procedures and instructions. • Provide training for staff practices and work methods. • Explain hazards and safe working practices to new employees before they start work. • Report and record all accidents. Employees have a duty to: • Adhere to instructions relating to the operation of a site and equipment. • Ensure that they use materials in line with recommended procedures. • Utilise protective clothing and equipment as directed. • Not to misuse anything provided for health, safety and welfare. data protection Act 1998 Individuals have a right of access to information about them held by Social work departmnets, housing organisations or health professionals. Adults with a learning disability or a mental health problem have a right to see their file if they understand the nature of the request. Social work departments can refuse access to all or part of a persons file for certain reasons, for example, where access to the information would be likely to cause serious harm to the physical or mental health of the person or another person. Withholding of information is expected to be used in exceptional circumstances only. Human rights act 1998 This covers a variety of rights which include; • Everyone's right to life shall be protected by law. • No-one shall be subject to degrading treatment. • Everyone has a right to

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