When to leave parent's home

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Being independent from the parents as soon as possible is better, although it is really important to define what means "as soon as possible". As soon as possible has to be when someone has the minimum requirements to live on by yourself, otherwise there is no point on leaving your parents' home. Being independent from the parents gives someone the opportunity to explore their different potentials at full length, which can be difficult when you live in a refrained environment at home. It also gives you the chance to experiment lots of differents things without caring if your parents agree with that or not. For instance, someone might like to enroll some artistic courses before deciding what to do with the rest of their life (which often happens at early ages, due to pressure at home). Or maybe someone may want to take a long trip, on their own terms and if you have to rely on your parents' money, you probably will have to face some serious talks before you succeed to do so. Furthermore, living on your own makes you grow up faster. Since you don't have your parents to fall back on all the time, you need to learn how to deal with your own problems without their support. Moreover, as soon as you leave your parent's home, you start to give the proper value to the things you always took for granted. For example, if your mother always cooked and washed your clothes for you, when you have to do that by yourself, you will think of these simple tasks your mother always did to you in a new different way. Another important point is that being independent doesn't mean that you have no more relationship with your parents. Although at first they may see it as a hard thing to get used to, they soon will realise that they can still care for their sons even if they are not around anymore. And they are also very likely to be proud of what you become after sometime. So, being

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