Learning Theories of Personalities

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Learning Theories of Personalities As individual’s study human behavior, he or she notices that there several theories with plenty of philosophers and psychologists to give his or her own personal interpretations. However, there are several limitations and strengths of learning theories. The three main theorist of the social learning theory are Albert Bandura, B.F. Skinner, and Julian Rotter. Each of these theorists describes how learning theories affect an individual’s personality. Bandura and Skinner’s theories both explain how an individual learns from his or her environment. Bandura’s social learning theory also explains an individual’s reaction to what he or she observes. Rotter’s theory provides reasoning in environment and personal factors that influences an individual’s behavior. Strengths of Learning Theories As quoted by Cherry, “behavior analysis can examine the results of behavior through the calculated experiments of individual, social, and cultural context application” (Cherry, 2012). Pavlov’s dog is a very famous experiment of behavioral analysis that proves this theories strength. In anticipation of receiving a meal, the dog would start to salivate. Soon, the dog associated food with the dig of the bell. The behavior of salivating at the sound of a bell is proof of a behavior’s creation through repetition. Social cognitive gains its strength through numbers. This process requires the observation of other people and their actions in particular situations. Once he or she presents an action, other individuals will learn from them. This theories greatest strength is moral development by the newly acquired behavioral observation. Also another person can use that behavior in a positive or negative way, thereby developing morals. Many old wise sayings have developed from this theory as it uses common sense. For example if you see your friend

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