Learning English Is Important

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A lot of international students come to America to learn English. Learning English is important because it is the most common language in the world. Almost 60% people in the world use English regularly. I agree that English is simply a subject needed as a credit for graduation and admittance to college. It is very important to learn English because it improves one’s chance of getting a good job, helps one communicate in foreign countries, and broadens one’s social networking. First, learning English improves the chance of getting a good job. Companies which deal with international clients and suppliers rely on English-speaking employees to interpret for them. The requirements for the position consists the ability to speak English. A better and firmly job position mean more money in pocket. Therefore, learning English in school improves one’s chance of getting this position. Secondly, people who understand English can travel much more countries by themselves than people who do not speak English. A lot of countries are using English as their main sub-language, and there are multiple simple English phrases spread around the world. Also, being comfortable with the language might be a good idea when traveling. Understanding English helps tremendously when traveling because one can communicate and understand better. Finally, learning English improve one’s social networking. For example, people who speak English have a better chance at being accepted into training programs or colleges in English-speaking countries. They can make friends easier if they know English. They can also make friends all around the world just by using instant messengers online. Knowing English broadens one’s social networking because they can communicate with people around the world. In conclusion, learning English is necessary today in school and everywhere. English is the most common

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