Leadership Style Essay

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Comparative Foreign Policy Paper IV. Leadership Style of Angela Merkel Leadership style can be a huge impact on foreign policy making and on decision making process. Depending on the leader style decision making can be variable. There are three main factors what can define the sytle of a leader wheather goal-driven or contextually responsive. These are the following: Responsiveness to Constraints, Openness to Information and the third is Motivation for Action. Within the fisrt two factors there are four different leader’s method based on the interaction of political constraints and information. Leaders can be crusaders, strategist, pragmatists and opportunists. Furthermore under the category Motivation, there are two subcategory, namely Problem Focus and Relationship Focus. Each has four subcategories. The four types under Problem Focus: Expansionistic, Incremental, Directive and Reactive. The other four types what belong to the category Relationship Focus are Evangelistic, Charismatic, Consultative and Accommodative. In my paper Angela Merkel, the first female chancellor of Germany will be analysed under these factors. By observing the reaction to Political Constraints one can see that Angela Merkel reactions are influenced by domestic and interantional issues. She is a contextually responsive leader, thus media, potent interest group, public opinion can play a significant rule in the process of foreign policy making. To illustrate this, Angela Merkel reversed her support for nuclear power and shut down Germany’s nuclear reactor after the Fukushima accident. In this decision the internal factor was that her predecessor, Gerhard Schröder’s and the Greens coaltion’s policy was the nuclear phase out. Merkel who came to office in 2005 did not risk loseing the election by conflicting her opposition. It was a pragmatist decision. Two other example on

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