Leadership Changes In Public Sector

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PUBLIC SECTOR Public-sector management is in flux, thanks to the increasingly rapid pace of social, political, and technical change. Economic crises, privatisation, budget cuts, the continuing evolution of e-government and increasing scrutiny from citizens mean that the public-sector organisations of the future will need to be more citizen-focused, more business-like and smarter in their use of technology. Is very important identify the greatest challenge public sector faced to achieve mission, that are chose swift adaptability to change above all others. Flexibility will be needed in a number of areas, from the expansion of service delivery channels, to changes in internal working practices based on technological developments, to partnerships with private-sector organisations. At the same time citizens and businesses will become increasingly demanding over the next five years as consumers of public services. A large majority of survey respondents anticipates that they will expect greater personalisation, faster and more accurate service fulfilment and more proactive communication,without paying more or sacrificing quality enhancements. Organisations will respond with faster delivery channels, more training in citizen-facing skills and more cost-efficient processes. Of course, technology is only as smart as the organisation that uses it. Alongside interaction with citizens, how organisations use IT and how people work under the influence of new technologies will be two of the biggest changes in how public-sector organisations operate in 2010. Executives expect that adapting their workforce to rapid technology change over the coming five years will be their greatest HR management challenge, followed by overcoming cultural resistance to organisational change. Indeed, some organisations are already working hard on succession planning to capture and manage the

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