Law Enforcement: Taser Use-of-Force

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Law Enforcement: Taser Use-of-Force Kiyhana Martin Grantham University Every day law enforcement officers’ lay their life on the line, not knowing what situation they may walk into. A law enforcement officer’s job is to protect and serve the community n which they work. There have been many debates over how they protect and serve their community and the use of force used by law enforcement officers. Generally the public has voiced very little debate over the use of batons and guns in law enforcement, however; there has been great debate over the use of taser guns. The use of taser guns have only been used in law enforcement in the last ten year, however; private agencies have used them for over two decades. The normal use of a taser guns by law enforcement officers is to immobilize a person who is deemed a threat. While law enforcement officials should try to avoid using force, stun guns are a better option than firearms. Taser guns used by law enforcement officers can shoot out to electrical leads with small metal barbs on the end of them. When these leads make contact with a person it releases a 50,000 volts electrical shock for a period of five seconds, however, most taser’s generally pass only about 1200 volts. The 50,000 volts electrical shock then disrupts a person's nervous system, which renders the person immobilized and incapacitated with little to no harm done (CBC News, 2009). The most common models presently use by law enforcement officers are M26 and X26. Taser guns were designed to cause no lasting damage to people (CBC News, 2009). The police use of batons can break bones and cause bruising and their use of guns can easily kill. Taser’s incapacitate a person, allowing law enforcement to temporarily restrain them. Taser guns were designed to cause no lasting damage to
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