Law And Morality

1987 Words8 Pages
Law and Morality “At first there seems to be no distinction between law and morality. There are passages in ancient Greek writers, for example, which seem to suggest that the good person is the one who will do what is lawful. It is the lawgivers, in these early societies, who determine what is right and wrong.” As an introduction to this essay which will distinguish what the difference between law and morality is, this passage shows that the difference between law and morality has been in place since ancient Greek times. Through analysing the differences and referring to case studies, this essay will aim to prove the necessity for a reliable system of the law, and the function of law within the legal system. By evidencing how law and morality can become merged, this essay will prove why there needs to be a fine law for morality to be distinguished and separated to ensure what is law, and what is morally right, but may conflict with the law. (Criteria 1.1) The definition of law is: “In general, a rule of being or of conduct, established by an authority able to enforce its will; a controlling regulation; the mode or order according to which an agent or a power acts”. The meaning of law therefore is to enforce the rules and guidelines which are in place throughout society all over the world. Each different culture or ethnic group may have their own structure of the law which they adhere to and live by. Law is in place to uphold each individual’s rights and responsibilities, and encapsulates many forms of different laws such as; contract law, civil law, property law and criminal law. Also combined with, and an important part of law, are principles, regulations and human rights which are imposed, and are important fields to guarantee everyone the right to freedom and entitlements. The
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