Lady Of Shallot

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Analysis of The Lady of Shalott The Lady of Shallott is a narrative poem that is by the English poet Alfred, Lord Tennyson. The central idea of the poem is that it is better perhaps to live authentically for a brief time than for years in enslavement, without realizing ones aspirations. In this poem, the main character exists under a spell without knowing what its origin is or why it has been put on her and without thinking of how she can remove it. She seems to accept it as her fate: "And so she weaveth steadily, And little other care has she" (lines 43-44), the poem explains. The one stipulation of this mysterious curse is that she cannot look out her window at the panorama of nature and humanity that is outlined in the first stanza of the poem. There are many similes in this poem that help put a picture of what is happening in the readers mind. “The gemmy bridle glitter'd free, Like to some branch of stars we see, Hung in the golden Galaxy,” (lines 82-84). This is a comparison of the gems on the bride to stars. Aside from similes, throughout the poem the author uses metaphors. “Long fields of barley and of rye, That clothe the wold,” (lines 2-3). This compares the grain fields to the clothing. There are also many sound devises in the poem that help create a descriptive and suspenseful mood. An example of alliteration in the poem is, “ Bridle bells,” ( line 85). Imagery is also used in this narrative poem. The most common form of imagery in this poem is visual imagery, where the words in the poem invoke images in your mind that you can visualize. “Mighty silver bugle,” (line 88). Ultimately, however, the central paradoxes are that freedom and love may involve destruction and that acceptance of life is also acceptance of death-are also the paradoxes of the human condition

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