Lacrosse to Haudenosaunees

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The significance of lacrosse to haudenosaunees Lacrosse is a sport that has been played by the Native Americans. First recoe, meaning the people of the longhouse, are known as the Iroquois. Iroquois confederacy consist Seneca, Onondaga, Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneida, Tuscarorsport called Deyhontsigwa'ehs. There are three main aspects of lacrosse. Playing lacrosse not only give physical well-beinghave a unity between clan members, peace within the community and even share spiritual connection with the Creator. Another aspect of the lacrosse is that it is a ritual preparing for the battle. As we can observe from the current day lacrosse, it involves violent actions such as body charging and hitting players with the stick. Such violent actions were also observed in the past day lacrosse and it represents clan's preparation for the war and unity of the community. Last aspect of the lacrosse is that it was one and only competition within the haudenosaunees nations. One must be not only physically talented to be fast and skillful, but also mentally talented in order to understand the tactic to win the game. To haudenosaunees, playing the game of lacrosse held relationship between the clan and the Creator as well as the three aspects. At the past time lacrosse, the players each holds a stick that is made of hickory. They believed that the spirit of the tree is creating a bond between them and the Creator. Playing lacrosse was not only a ritual for them to prepare for upcoming battle, but also a sacrificial ritual for them to the Creator. By anticipating in lacrosse, they had a belief that the Creator is watching over them and they played lacrosse to celebrate life and have a stronger bonding with Mother Earth and the Creator. The true meaning of lacrosse must be remembered and kept as sacred sport. To haudenosaunees, lacrosse was a sport and spiritual endeavour which

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