Krispy Kreme Doughnuts

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KRISPY KREME DOUGHNUTS Q1 Analysts are predicting that Krispy Kreme will be able to perform highly effectively and continue to grow rapidly in the coming 2 years. Do you agree with their analysis? If so, why? If not, why not? Answer 1: We do not agree with the predictions made by analysts about Krispy kremebeen able to perform highly effectively and continue to grow rapidly The company believed in entering new geographic markets quickly and lock up the best locations to build brand name and a customer base which led to high investments in plant , buildings , assets in year 2002 the company spent $37 million to construct and equip new company owned factory stores. To fund this, high debt was taken and this led to long term interest commitment for the company and would be difficult to generate sufficient cash flows. From Exhibit 2 , Account receivable have increased upto 62% from Jan 2000 to May 2002 , Long term liabilities have increased by 67 % from Jan 2000 to May 2002. This shows that future liabilities have increased enormously Cash Flow Analysis : From exhibit 2, Cash from operating activities has been varying from 8498 in Jan 2000, 36210 in 2001 and 8439 in 2002 . Cash from investing activities has declined by almost 315% from Jan 2000 to May 2002. The company is not able to generate enough cash flows to fund the expansion Previously Krispy kreme had strong cash flows and most expansion was funded internally. The company also did not break out pre operating costs for new stores and had Partially included in GOGS and SGA . Also we cannot analyze the economics of new stores and all funding are speculative Ratio Analysis: ROE: For year 2002 , ROE is 4.45% ( net income= 8861 and equity= 198733) which is significantly lower and cost of debt is much higher for the company . Asset Turnover for year From exhibit 2 we can calculate the ratio

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