Korean Alphabet Essay

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Korean alphabet The Korean alphabet is sorta harder than just the ABC. It has consonants, vowels, double consonants, and double vowels. Alright let me show you Consonants ㄱ-g ㄴ-n ㄷ-d ㄹ-R or L (this letter can be used for r or l) ㅁ-m ㅂ-b ㅅ-s ㅇ-makes no sound. It's only a place holder. You'll see what I mean later. However, when placed at the bottom of a word, then it makes an ng sound for example in sarang (Korean for love) 사랑 see how the ㅇ is under the 라? ㅈ-j ㅊ-ch ㅋ-k ㅌ-t ㅍ-p ㅎ-h Vowels ㅏ- a (pronounced ah) ㅑ- ya (pronounced yah) ㅓ- eo (pronounced uh) ㅕ- yeo (pronounced yuh) see how it works now? ㅗ- o (oh) ㅛ-yo ㅜ-u (oo) ㅠ- yu (you) ㅡ- eu (like someone punched you in the stomach and you go "ugh") ㅣ- i (ee) Whenever a word starts with a vowel, you need a place holder so when writing ㅏ(ah), you would write 아 (still just ah, remember, ㅇ makes no sound unless placed at the bottom of a word). same goes for the other vowels (아, 야, 어, 여, 오, 요, 우, 유, 으, 이) You still with me so far? Double consonants Double consonants are still basically the same letter, just pronounced thicker and tougher. These are the only double consonants ㄲ- gg (sometimes seen as kk) ㄸ- dd (sometimes seen as tt) ㅃ- bb (can be seen as pp) ㅆ- ss ㅉ- jj Double vowels ㅔ-e (eh) ㅖ-ye (yeh) ㅐ- ae (like saying "day" w/out d) ㅒ-yae ㅙ-wae ㅚ-oe ㅞ-we (weh) ㅘ-wa (wah) ㅝ-wo (whoa) ㅟ- wi (whee!!!h ㅢ-ui (put "ugh" and "i" together) make sure to put the place holder for these vowels as well when writing them down (에, 예, 애, 얘, 왜, 외, 웨, 와, 워, 위, 의) so yeah....this is the Korean alphabet. Did you keep up with me??? This should make it easier for you when learning Korean and writing it down. Hope this helps. Okay for where to put ㅇ, it depends the position of the vowel. If it's "standing up" then you put it on the side----> ㅏㅑ ㅓㅕㅣ----> 아

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