Kodak Case Study; Organizational Architecture

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This discussion looks in to firm's response to challenges they face from transformation and evolution of technology that subsequently threatens their traditional, successful business. A case study of Kodak is been given as an example because Kodak has gone through a transition phase in a period between 1980's to 1990's , due to introduction of new technology in the field of photography specially digital photography. Kodak was the only one that developed many of the components of digital photography, yet the new form of photographic technology has had a serious, unconstructive impact on the firm business. 2.0 The need for the "change" Kodak had always got distinctive competency over its competitors because of the scope and operations of its business. This helped the Kodak towards the continues growth of their business for more than 90 years. But from the period 1980's-1990's Kodak encountered problems of market share, revenues, competitors and technological explosion which was rapidly threatening the survival of their business. Kodak began to realize that radical changes in the structure of the company and the technology of their products would be vital toward success of the Kodak brand. Following are some factors that motivated Kodak to change its organizational structure for the survival of their business. 2.1 Competition from other brands During the long history of the Kodak Company, Kodak has overcome many threats to the survival of their business. Highly successful business that turned Kodak into one of the most recognizable name brands in the world was struggling for survival with the entrance of competitors in market. The Japanese company Fuji Corporation entered the market attained a high market share not only in Japan, but in the United States as well. Fuji and other Japanese companies were able to design paper used for printing film at much cheaper

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