Know How to Identify Developmental Needs:

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Know how to identify developmental needs: Aim: Identify own learning style(s) and the learning style(s) of another member of the team. Sufficiency descriptors: Own Learning style(s) and the learning style(s) of another member of the team are indentified in detail, using a recognised model of learning styles which is itself explicitly identified. Outcome: I decided to use the Honey and Mumford learning styles to establish the learning style. This technique was developed by Peter Honey and Alan Mumford. It looks at the four stages of the learning cycle and links them in the following way: Learning Cycle Stages • Experiencing • Reflecting • Theorising • Testing Honey and Mumford • Activist • Reflector • Theorist • Pragmatist By applying this technique you are able to identify four areas for consideration. Below is an example of an identified Activist (Honey and Mumford. Four identified areas (Honey and Mumford): • How the person likes to learn - To be Involved and “Enjoy the Journey” • Learning Characteristics - Good at Putting Concepts and Visions into Action to Create new Experiences • Description - Solves Problems Intuitively, rather Than with Logic • Best conditions for learning - When Allowed to Get “Hands on” Experience and Learn with Others In order to establish my own and Peter Barfield’s learning style, I used a Honey and Mumford Questionnaire. This consists of 40 statements in which the individual will indicate a strong agreement with the statement with a tick and a strong disagreement with a cross. At the end of the exercise a score chart is used identifying the strong agreement (ticks). This is then placed against a score chart. The scores are mapped out against the four areas (Activist, Reflector, Theorist and Pragmatist) and will show the

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