King Creon and George Bush Are They So Different?

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King Creon and George Bush Are They So Different? King Creon defying the will of his people by sentencing Antigone to be death because of her acts of civil disobedience. He is like many of the leaders in the world right now. He does not listen to the will of the people, and does what he thinks is right. Most poor leaders are surrounded by poor advisers and yes-men. King Creon and George W. Bush are a lot alike. The people of Thebes wish to bury Polynices but are too afraid of Creon to go against his decree. “The whole city of Thebes denies it to a man” (Sophocles 1350). “And is Thebes about to tell me how to rule?” (Sophocles 1350). Creon does not like taking advice from others who in his eyes are below him even though they might be correct like Haemon. Bush does not take advice from the people who oppose him like the democrats and other people trying to give him good advice like bringing our troops home. George Bush does not seem to surround himself with good advisers. He has quite a bit of people that just go along with what he says without questioning the legality or the morality of his and their actions. Like some parts of the Patriot Act and The Detainees in Guantanamo Bay. The majority of the American people want to end the war in Iraq and bring our troops home he does not listen to them. Creon is very similar in the same manner with his advisers which are the Chorus who are nothing but yes-men “If this is your pleasure, Creon treating our city’s enemy and our friend this way…” (Sophocles 1335). The advice from the Chorus is very flakey “You’d do well, my lord, if he’s speaking to the point, to learn from him, and you, my boy, from him. You both are talking sense.” (Sophocles 1349-1350). Both George W. Bush and King Creon do not really know how to rule, but are the most powerful men in their nation. Creon and Bush have gotten so much

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