Kick Ass: the Hero's Journey

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Kick Ass: The Hero’s Journey “Opportunities to find deeper powers within ourselves come when life seems most challenging.” Joseph Campbell was the author who identified the concept of the hero’s journey. This quote can be interpreted as meaning that when hard times are forced upon people, people are often forced to look within themselves and find the strength to power through it all. In the movie Kick Ass, released on June 7th 2010, Dave Lizewski is a teenage boy whose story exemplifies this idea perfectly. Lizewski was nothing more than a social misfit hiding from the brutality of high school in his world of comic books and superheroes. Living in an impoverish and crime filled city, he learns early on that, since he’s not a tough kid, the safest thing to do is be invisible and back down from any sort of trouble without asking questions. When he and his friend Toddy are walking through an alleyway on their way home from Atomic Comics, their frequent hangout, they’re stopped by two thugs and robbed. While Toddy just accepts what happened and walks away, Dave knows deep down that something needs to change. After questioning why, in a world where there have been so many fictional superheroes, nobody had ever tried to actually be a superhero, David feels it is his responsibility to make a difference. So begins his departure from the known world. He answers his call to adventure by buying himself a costume, naming himself Kick Ass, and heading back to the alley to naively face his first “enemies.” Not realizing that a wetsuit and a mask aren’t all it takes to be able to call himself a superhero, he is shocked when he is beaten, stabbed, and hit by a car. After days in the hospital and hours on the surgical table, he is filled with so many metal pins, bars, and plates that he calls himself ‘Wolverine.’ Graced with a steel skeletal system and an obscene amount of

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