Key Difference Between a B2B And B2C Marketing For

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What do you think are the key difference between a B2B and B2C marketing for search? What do B2B search marketers need to do differently? The key differences between B2B and B2C marketing are the lead time and approval layers. In B2C web site marketing, there is a normally a short lead time of anywhere from a minute to a day. Consumers may only need, at the most, to consult with a spouse or parent about a purchase before making that purchase. Sometimes they do not even need to do that. They simply can purchase on impulse. In the B2B world, the idea of an impulse buy is almost non-existent. There is normally a chain of command that needs to be followed before a purchase can be completed. This increases the lead time exponentially, depending upon how many levels the purchase must go through to be approved. A major difference between a B2B and B2C marketing online is that the B2B websites need to keep that chain of command in mind. They need to provide information that will answer each of the questions each perspective layer in the command needs to answer. For example, let's say that an office manager has decided that she wants to find a new place to buy pens. In the office manager's mind, she is simply thinking of the place that has a good price on pens and may offer her some perk for her for doing business with them. But she will most likely need to bring the decision to accounting on some level to see if the payment required by accounting is acceptable. While she may not need to actually get permission from accounting, this is still a layer. She will also, most likely, need to get final approval from a superior to switch pen companies. The superior may be concerned with the service the pen company will provide, the speed of delivery and the reputation of the pen company. Making sure that B2B websites address all the questions (and desires) that all layers in the

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