Kevser Tabak Essay

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KEVSER TABAK | IN SAUDI ARABIA | | JESSICA D. BURGUESS | JULY 2ND, 2013AUTHENTIC ASSESMENTBMGT 456 | | BURGUESS 1 KEVSER TABAK IN SAUDI ARABIA In any strategic plan in order to build a company one must know what environmental factors are like. For example who is the market, who is the competitor, who are suppliers are, what is that status of government and economic situations as well as regulations. Secondly one must know what the internal situation is like, what are the company’s strengths and what are its weaknesses. Third, what assumptions can be made on our outlook target market? Fourth, what is the opportunity like, what threats stand to hinder the company? Fifth, the main question is how the company would enter into the demographic market. After a lot of thinking, it took awhile to think about a company or product that is or isn't offered in foreign markets for the fact American products are known globally. After much conclusion Kevser Tabak, is the first in ingenuity, and the first to market Halal Wines that are catered to a certain target market. But how does one create a strategic plan centering on Kevser Tabak? In Strategic planning one must “refers to a coordinated and systematic process for charting the overall course and direction of an enterprise or organization for the purpose of optimizing potential. For a profit-making business, this process involves questions such as "What should we sell?" "To whom should we sell it?" and "How can we beat or avoid the competition?"" Thus question is already answered for us, we know what we are selling and that is Kevser Tabak Wines but it is not the typically table wine, it is non-alcoholic and catered to four strategic target market groups. Kevser Tabak comes to Saudi Arabia out of Staffordshire United Kingdom. It blends "Passion, intelligence, creativity, ambition and luxury
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