Karen Armstrong’s “Homo Religiosus” and Robert Thurman’s “Wisdom”

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Karen Armstrong’s “Homo religiosus” and Robert Thurman’s “Wisdom” By Joshua Simpson ENG141 Most people say that without religion you cannot have wisdom, and some say that without wisdom you cannot have religion. It is hard to explain one without the other and this is why in this explanatory synthesis I will be doing the very thing and comparing Karen Armstrong’s “Homo Religisus” and Robert Thurman’s ”Wisdom” to try and explain to you why these two things go hand and hand and why these two things are so often put together. These two people are very known in these fields and have a great understanding on how these two things relate. In this essay I will be telling you about each person and their backgrounds. I will also be telling you what they have done in their life and why these two essays tie together. Finally I will be telling you how these two topics are related and why. Karen Armstrong is a very remarkable person she is a British writer. She mainly writes about religion. She was born on November 14, 1944. She has written twelve books so far. While still in her teens she became a nun, she stayed there for seven years. During the year of 1969 she left the order. In 1976 she got a job at a girls school teaching English it was there she wrote a memoir of her convent experiences. Since then she has written a lot more books and all them are about religion. She has been asked to write and present a television documentary. Also she worked at a college before. To me her work is very exciting if you can look past most of the things she writes about and get the message underneath. She does not come out and say anything you have to search for it. I really like that about her and think it makes for a very good read if you have the time to think about it. Karen Armstrong has had a strange life and I think it is very interesting that she was once a nun now

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