Kants Views Of Euthansia

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‘Kant’s theory of ethics is not a useful approach to euthanasia.’ Discuss In this essay I will explain the theories of Immanuel Kant and then refer them to euthanasia before explaining why these theories are not a useful approach to this issue. I will begin with explaining who Immanuel Kant is and what his philosophies were before going into explaining about euthanasia afterwards. My hypothesis for this essay is that ‘Kant’s theories are not useful because certain aspects of his theory contradict themselves and you can get no firm outcome on whether euthanasia is acceptable or not’. Immanuel Kant (1792- 1804) was a philosophical thinker who united two different and claimed that all knowledge came from testable proof along with reason was the only thing which made sense of the world. Kant’s theory of ethics was deontological which looks at actions rather than the consequences of the action. The theory looks at motive of an action which makes it good rather than if the actual outcome is going to be good. Kant believed that humans are all aware of an innate moral law. According to ‘Critique of practical reason 1788’, ‘Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration and awe the oftener and more steadily we reflect on them: the starry heavens above me and moral law within me’ and following this Kant concluded that humans have access to two worlds, these being the noumenal (which we know through reason) and the phenoumenal worlds (which we know through senses). In the noumenal world moral law exists, and this moral law is objective and unchanging. Throughout the phenoumenal world there is observed causes and effects. According to Kant everyone in mankind has access to these world’s through their senses and reasoning. Euthanasia is the action of ending somebodies life because you believe that it will be easier for them to be dead then it would
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