Junk Food Essay

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Junk food has been globally increasing in sales and marketing but in a bad way. Junk food has been easily accessed and available all over the world. It has been marketed on Television commercials, Magazines, Billboards, etc. Advertisements usually grab the viewer's attention by making the food appealing. What people do not know is that Junk food is “generally refers to foods that contribute lots of calories but little nutritional value”. Yes don’t get me wrong Junk food tastes good like Candy, Cookies, Hot Pockets, etc. satisfies your craving but throughout the day you become hungry and want to consume more. The issue is that people continue to eat Junk food while they are just damaging their bodies becoming obese or getting diseases. Junk food has been easily accessed and available all over the world. It has been marketed on Television commercials, Magazines, Billboards, etc. Advertisements usually grab the viewer's attention by making the food appealing. ”The food and beverage industry spends nearly $2 billion annually to market foods and beverages to children and adolescents in the U.S”. Many of these companies really try to persuade and get your attention to buy their food. CFBAI standards were set stronger on the amount of calories, sugar, fats and sodium in the foods marketed to children than did earlier, But there are still standards that allow companies to market some unhealthy foods and beverages to young people and teens, including ice cream, fruit snacks, marshmallow treats and several cereals. One key place where food and beverage companies continue to reach children is through schools. For example “During my high school year I would see ways companies try to do intervene by doing fundraisers in order to sell their product to make money for a Senior trip or Graduate class.” Another thing I would find out is that scholarships such as

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