Journal Article Critique

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Journal Article Critique Multitasking in the University Classroom ABSTRACT Lydia Burak’s “Multitasking in the University Classroom” describes the extent of multitasking engagement and examines the relationship between multitasking, academic performance, and risk behaviours in the university classroom. Accordingly to a study conducted by the author in university classrooms, the results show that a majority of students have a lower GPA and increased risk behaviours when they multitask in classrooms. Burak has conducted intensive secondary research to support her view. She cites an fMRI study on the brain showing that multitasking affects the learning process, especially when learning new knowledge. She also points to research conducted on media multitasking, which concludes that media exposure is negatively related to academic performance outcomes and positively related to risk behaviours. Burak also conducted primary research using a survey to exam multitasking in university classrooms. She wanted to determine the extent of multitasking and the consequence of multitasking activities. Her research results showed that multitasking was prevalent among the population studied and that multitasking was associated with negative outcomes on GPA and risk behaviour. Burak recognized her research had many limitations as the sample was not randomly selected, the data was self-reported, and the design was correctional. Due to these research limitations, her research findings may not be adequate to apply to a university student population in general. Nevertheless, her research provided a good foundation and solid starting point for further research on the effects of multitasking in university classrooms. CRITIQUE Burak (2012) states that university students are constantly engaged in multitasking and that this really distracts them from learning. Students who do

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