Join a Sports Team or Not?

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Nowadays, the recent worrying trend of child unhealthy lifestyle reminded us of the importance of Physical Education. In view of this, the sports club at our school is proposing that all students in school should be required to join a sports team. This idea our school offered is quite good, aiming at controlling the weight of teenagers and alleviating the obese problem among students. The tremendous amounts of advantages can be created through taking part in sports activities. First of all, students participated in a sports team are beneficial since sports games can be regarded as a mean to strengthen one’s stamina, promote our blood circulation and metabolic rate, good health can be guaranteed to attain. Moreover, strong willpower and sportsmanship are able to be built and learnt respectively through the participation in sports games. Sports,as such, play an indispensable role in students’ personal growth. In addition, not only enormous profits of personal growth are gained, but also social competence can be developed via taking part in a sports team. Students are required to mingle with their teammates and learn how to respect each other through sports activities. For example, playing volleyball is capable of developing team spirit and strong bond among players via the performance of five functions, which are ‘serve’, ‘pass’,’set’, smash’, and spike’. Undeniably, all students in our school can enjoy those encouraging benefits in case the proposal of the sports club. After all, all of them are forced to join in a sports team. It violates the option provided to those objective groups. Should school enforce to carry out this unwise proposal, the discontented emotion will be filled up over the campus. Another problem we should pay attention is resource allocation. Does school consider about surplus of sports teams will be appeared if all students

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