Johnson and Johnson Case Study

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Blaine Beckman Business and Society Case Study Thurs 7:00-8:45 Johnson & Johnson Tylenol Case Study 1. I do feel that Johnson and Johnson were able to lean on the excuse that the problem took place outside of the company but I in no way feel that that allowed the crisis management to be an easy task. The actions that Johnson and Johnson took immediately following the incident was ground breaking. Johnson and Johnson could have tried to cover it up or deny the occurrence which could have led to a disastrous exposure if anything was ever revealed. Tylenol took a huge risk of turning future consumers away and also spent $100 million in the process. I definitely feel that the way Tylenol’s management handled the situation ultimately led to a faster road to recovery. Through the process of crisis management, the company identified the problem, formulated a plan, professed to the consumer and immediately provided their plan for resolution and how they would guaranty that the incident would never happen again. By their immediate action and large investment of redesigning the tamper resistant bottles, it showed the consumer that they were serious about the event and making sure it wouldn’t happen again. If the problem would have been internal, there would still have been an opportunity for crisis management. The actions of crisis management would be different, but I feel that Tylenol would handle it well. They would probably terminate those involved and change the process of human involvement with the way the bottles are filled. I may even go to the extent of saying that it would have been easier. If a crisis happens internally, I feel it has a better option for control. It would allow for options such as employee screenings, video monitoring, etc. With the crisis happening outside of the company there are so many factors that continue to be outside the
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