John Q Movie Review

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John Q – Movie Review Moral and ethical behavior is defined as the principles of right and wrong behavior, also goodness and badness of human character. It means having the principles and knowledge to know basic right and wrong behavior, as well as conforming to accepted standards of conduct. John Q is faced with a dire situation, his son needs a heart transplant to survive but his insurance coverage has changed and won’t cover the expenses. The hospital won’t perform the surgery without payment and without the surgery his son will die. In the beginning, John follows all the rules and takes all the necessary steps while struggling to find funding for his sons heart transplant. He is faced with being turned down time and time again, redirected from one source to another and door after door slammed in his face. He is left feeling hopeless and helpless in his efforts to save his sons life. John is now faced with a moral and ethical dilemma, allowing his son to die because he wasn’t able to find the funds for the surgery or make an extreme decision that forces the hospital, the surgeon and the staff to perform the surgery without the funds. After promising his wife that he will not allow their son to die, John makes the extreme decision to take the hospital, the surgeon and other staff as hostages until the hospital agrees to put his sons name on the heart donor list. While holding everyone hostage, John finds himself faced with additional moral and ethical decisions. There is an expecting couple being held and the wife is in labor. John makes the right decision to release them, so she can have the baby without any harm or complications. There is also a man being held and everyone comes to the realization that he physically abuses his girlfriend, who is also being held as one of the hostages. At one point, the girlfriend gets the upper hand on him and

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