John Carpenter's Halloween Analysis

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The Final Girl: Laurie versus Annie If Michael Myers is a manifestation of pure evil, then Laurie is pure good. If Laurie is pure good, then her friendly counterpart, Annie, is not. In John Carpenter’s Halloween (1978), Laurie as the final girl is matched with Annie throughout the film. Unfortunately, one survives Michael’s vengeance on sin and the other does not. When comparing the two characters, the question arises: why is Laurie fit to be the final girl and not Annie? Throughout the film, the two characters follow a parallel linear plot. They are both released from school then go directly home. They both discuss the events of the next day, Halloween. They talk about the Halloween dance and who they will bring. That night they both babysit kids within a block of each other. They even hitch a ride together to those houses. As the girls are traced throughout the film, they contrast each other through both their opposing priorities and, more importantly, through their sexual experiences. In the end, Laurie is more suitable than Annie to be the only survivor in the film. The two characters are portrayed at a close interval within the movie and share many similar characteristics. At first glance, there is no reason Laurie has a greater chance at survival than Annie (besides the fact that Laurie is the main character). They are both female characters, about the same age, that generally come from the same background. They attend the same school and are part of the same friend circle. For how much these two characters have in common, they have as much in difference. The most polar opposite of these two characters are the different priorities they place in their life style. Both Laurie and Annie are obligated to the same responsibilities. They both are obligated to try hard in school, have a healthy social life, and do some work to raise money. Annie focuses all her
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