Joe Tech & Robust Routers

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Partner Project: Job Offer Negotiation - Joe Tech and Robust Critical Thinking- Module 2 A. Molina Abstract: In this group module with my partner she played the Human Resources role and was the potential employee. We were able to successfully reach an agreement through a bargaining mixture. I feel like Human Resources won the argument and had the power, but I feel like this was the best choice for both parties. They were able to hire Joe without losing much, and Joe is able to start working with the company where he began his internship. Both parties had a binding relationship and had an obligation to see it through. In the end, Joe is going happily accept the offer from Robust Routers and the details are listed in the essay. For this assignment, I played the role of the potential employee, Joe Tech. My partner played the role of the Human Resources Manager. I thought it would be good for me to play the part of the potential employee because I wanted to get a better idea of the importance of bargaining as employee and the issues that may arise, positive and negative. Our first couple chapters in our book, Essentials of Negotiation, Fifth Edition, are based on the multiple types of negotiations used in different situations, for this assignment I wanted a positive negotiation ending for Joe Tech and Robust Routers. Joe is a young adult beginning his career based on his educational background, completed his MBA, and has worked the past few months with Robust Routers as an intern; it was a positive experience on both sides. Therefore, they have decided to extend an offer to Joe, but the position isn’t what he desired and salary, geographical location are all up in the air for him. He has a couple factors to take in consideration about this job - pros and cons. One of the first pros for Joe is that he has successfully completed his internship with
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