Joe Crack Essay

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Analysis of Joe Clark’s Personality type and values The most important character in "Lean On Me" is Mr. Joe Clark, the former teacher at Eastside high school and later, the school's principal. Joe's character is interesting and admirable. Throughout the film, we learn that although he seems to be a dictatorial, he is committed and determined to save the school and he also cares for the school's students. The most obvious characteristic of Joe is that he is a dictatorial. Joe used dictatorship to control and manage the school when he became its principal. For example; in his first meeting with the staff, he was going around giving orders and shuffling teachers into new positions. He even said, "Discipline is not the enemy of enthusiasm. This is not a damned democracy. We are in a state of emergency and my word is law", verifying that he approves of dictatorship and thinks it is the only way to control school. Joe Clark initially shows himself to be “ENFJ” by using a Personality Theory analysis. Firstly Extraverts that he assigns job by communicating verbal. For example, on the 1st working day, he starts the meeting and assigns all jobs only by words. Or if anyone does the mistake, he will talk and punish them to do something by words immediately. He talks more than listen. He acts quickly with high energy. He is “EXTRAVERTOR” who’s action-oriented. He walks and talks too fast, and always orders with the word “now, today, this afternoon”. He asks vice principal to get the exam score by herself instead of waiting for mail. He processes information verbally which is Es type indeed. Then the things were much more complex and wearisome for the real Joe, who ran up against opposition from parents and politicians for his quasi-unlawful practices (he locks all but one entrance to the school, which is a violation of the fire code, and fires a teacher without having
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