Job Bible Comparison

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Job: God is Ineffable In the book of Job we learn about a man of great character and wealth, a man who pleased God, but have we ever evaluated the Ineffability of the God whom he pleased, or even how this man of great faith, obedience, and character perceived or responded to the ineffability and sovereignty of this God. Church father Augustine of Hippo dealt with this particular issue, he simply asked the question in what sense is God Ineffable; this causes me to wonder if when Job was experiencing condemnation, and speculation from his friends and is wife if he may have thought to ask them is God not ineffable, and if he is then why would you even question what he may be allowing to take place in my life? In the text Job’s friends quickly offer unmerited advice and criticism as to why Job is experiencing this horrible turmoil. “One should be kind to a fainting friend, but you accuse me without any fear of the Almighty” (Job 6:14 NLT). It appears that in this chaos and disaster when Job’s friends should have been there to console him or even just pray for him or even marvel in the fact that God is in total control they seem to forget God’s ineffability; they fail to realize that God never allows a thing to take place without a purpose instead they basically said, “well I don’t know what you did but you better repent now before God unleashes more of his wrath on you…” It’s clear that Job thought what he could have done to upset God, and that he felt that maybe this was too much for him. Yet one thing is certain he never denied the words of the Holy One(Job 6:10). He may have wished God ended his life instead of allowing him to endure all of these things, still he never spoke ill of God because he knew that God in a sense can be ineffable. Many characteristics of God are indeed ineffable or simply hard to understand. How God could do this to a man such as Job

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