Jack Nelson's Problem

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Case Study Jack Nelson’s problem Summary: When Jack Nelson was introduced to the entire employee in the home office, he was introduced to Ruth Johnson. Ruth Johnson working for two months but she does not know about the machine that she was using. But she operates the machine properly. Organization did not oriented and trained her properly. If organization trained her well Ruth will clear about her job and responsibility. After touring the 22 branches and finding similar problems in many of them, Nelson wondered what the home office should do or what action he should take. 1. What do you think is causing some of the problems in the bank's home office and branches? Answer: There are some problems in bank's home office and branches. These problems have some cause. The main issue in this case is employee turnover was high during past eight years, as a result supervisor tried to find a suitable employee to replace the worker who had quit. We know that employee turnover is a costly expense especially in lower paying job roles, for which the employee turnover rate is highest. There was no standardization of recruitment process in organization. They had also lack of communication process. Because all branch office hired employee without communicate whit their home office. Bank's supervisor is failure to train their employee. They have not much time for their employee. Also they do not know about the performance of their employee. 2. Do you think setting up an HR unit in the main office would help? Answer: Of course we think it would. Since there are HR-related problems both in the home office and in the branches, it is clear that if a personnel office were set up, it would need to help to coordinate the HR activities in the branches 3. What specific functions should it carry out? What HR functions would then be carried out by
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