Issues with Factory Farming

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Issues with Factory Farming When people think of farming, what comes to mind? Some probably imagine hard working farmers, tons and tons of green land, red barns, but most importantly, people imagine healthy animals that are able to move about freely and that are handled with care. This type of farming has produced foods for many years, but farmers found a new way of farming called factory farming. “These factory farms are capable of producing meat and meat products very efficiently in an assembly-like method, very similar to other factories such as the automotive industry” (Luts). Factory farming is rapidly starting to become one of the fastest, easiest, and cheapest means of food production all across America and surrounding countries. Fastest and easiest may be partially true, but what some people do not realize is the cheap part of factory farming comes at a devastating cost to the animals living at these farms, the community at which the farm resides, as well as the citizen’s health in that specific community. Most farming, mainly factory farming, has turned into an uncaring and very competitive type business. Unlike the earlier farming times, the well-being of these food animals are no longer taken into consideration. “All factory farming systems are designed to make more money from more animals. Instead of hired hands, the factory farmer employs pumps, fans, switches, slated or wire floors, and automatic feeding and watering hardware” (Suzworksy). This is where the uncaring and competiveness kicks in. Farm animals within factory farms do not have any space to move around, some actually develop pressure sores from sitting too long or rubbing against their cages because they have no other options. Another result from being pinned up in these cages with no room is frustration. “Painful procedures and surgeries are often done to prevent aberrant behaviors

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