Issues In The Work Environment

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In a work environment there are leaders, followers, peers and others. There are many different issues that can affect the work environment such as; human behavior, perception and conflict, bias and stereotyping. Each of these will be explained by means of examples followed by ways to improve them, also included is motivation techniques. The human behavior can be influenced by culture, emotion, values, and authority just to name a few. Most important in the work place the managers or leaders for they usually set the tone of the work place environment. When it comes to the work environment and human behavior there is two approaches to it. This is according to Douglas McGregor who came up with the x and y theory that companies fall under (Clark, 2008).The x theory being that of management trying to control their employees in the work environment which affects employees behavior. Under this theory is that the employees dislike their work and try to avoid it, they feel controlled or have consequences and threats when they do not fulfill achievements or the objectives for the company. They do not have the ambition nor do they want any responsibility of work since its unpleasant (Clark, 2008). An example is when management is controlling the employees, they will avoid work this means skipping or calling in sick on a regular basis. This also means that they may not make the quotas or requirement that is on the line. In the y theory the company accepts their employees which create a total opposite environment than the x theory. Employees under the y theory have potential, commitment, creativity, want the achievements or responsibility, self direction, and solve organizational problems that arise (Clark, 2008). Managers or leaders must understand that all humans have the same needs and when they are met in the right ways leads to potentially strong motivations. Next is
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