Islamism And Anti-Americanism

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Islamism and Anti-Americanism “Islamism” “militant Islam” “political Islam” are a few words to describe the extreme Islamic thought. There are extremists in every religion. They are convinced that they know what God wants. There is no way to change their attitude or beliefs. The only thing that can be done is to try to control their actions which are usually done in the name of God. Islamists who resort to violence add up to less than one-tenth of one percent. These groups, as small as they are, have caused enough chaos and confusion for the whole world to take notice of their actions. Because of the actions of less than one percent of Muslims the whole religion is linked to terrorism or some form of extremism. Muslims all over the world just want to get on with their lives, get an education, find a job, raise their children and participate in family and community life without being labeled as terrorists. Muslims do not call Christians or Westerners as unbelievers or infidel, however, Westerners have managed to label all Muslims as one group that is dangerous to mankind. Extreme comments have been made by the media and the newspapers have twisted the perception of Americans toward Muslims. Most Americans are nervous to have direct associations with Muslims. They are skeptical. What has caused this extreme perception? After all they are human just like the rest of the world. On the other hand, criticism toward the Islamists is justified. Their actions are crude, fierce, and most times inhumane. They thrive in inequality, advocate violence and are against individual freedoms. Some scholars in the U.S have compared Islamists to the Ku Klux Klan in the U.S showing that every society has deviant groups. To uninformed Westerners, such groups appear numerous, when in reality they are no more a factor in life than are the fringe groups found in every nation. Jihad-

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