Islam on Ecology and Environment

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Islam on Ecology and Environment The Concept of Environment The concept of environment is broad and is used in many different ways. The environment is the medium in which Man lives; the mother's womb is a man's first environment; home is an environment; school is an environment; the place where we live is an environment; the earth is an environment and the whole universe is an environment. Environmentalists arrived at a precise definition of the environment when they met in Stockholm in 1972 under the auspices of the United Nations : "The environment is the sum of the material and social resources available at a given time and place to satisfy the needs and aspirations of Man". According to this definition, the environment includes natural resources such as water, air and soil, energy resources, minerals, plants and animals. Moreover any pollution of these resources will have an effect beyond the borders of the country in which the pollution occurred. Perhaps it was the Chernobyl disaster in Russia - a nuclear reactor explosion which alarmed the countries of Europe and other neighbouring countries affected by the fallout - or perhaps it was the oil spills and leakages in the waters of the Gulf threatening all the countries of the region with pollution which gave impetus to international cooperation through the United Nations and various scientific bodies in countering the problem of pollution. We live on a single planet and Mankind has a shared future, particularly at the present stage in which the interests of the inhabitants of this Earth are becoming evermore interlinked with advances in communications to the extent that the world has become like a global village. Perhaps further impetus has been given by what we are currently hearing about with regard to a hole in the ozone layer as a result of the use of certain industrial gases - a problem which has become

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