Is Television Good or Bad for American Society

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Is Television Good or Bad for American Society In today’s society television has become one of America’s greatest debates. Is Television good or bad for the American society? There are those that feel that television is entertaining and can assist in the learning process, while others consider television as having a grave impact on society. The Question asked today is television good or bad for American Society? It has been said that today’s television programing is a powerful medium that influences society in more negative ways, than positive ones. 65% of television users say television is bad for the American Society. Television has a negative influence on society, because it attempts to define what is acceptable and unacceptable in our society. Carlo Blacken says, “Television is a powerful medium that influences society in more negative ways that positive ones. The surge in plastic surgery is an indication that television conveys a certain image. Television defines what is beautiful and what is not through its advertisers; it also attempts to define what is and what is not an acceptable. Thereby it sends the message that those who do not live at a certain level or in a particular manner are not an acceptable part of mainstream society.” Some say that if television has a negative effects do not watch television and find other means of entertainment. However, thirty-five percent of television users say that television is good for the American society. The debate as to whether the impact is positive or negative has been taking place since the inception of the TV in the late 1940’s. Television’s potential to connect, educate, and inform the public is often overshadowed by the lack of individual responsibility in using this modern-day miracle, therefore causing its impact on society to be viewed as negative. Television provides viewers

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