Is Social Media Affecting Our Lives

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How Social Media Has Affected Our Lives It’s incredible to see how social media has become such a big part of our daily lives. Just to think social media as we know it was birthed less than ten years ago in August 2003 with MySpace and has become such an integral part of our daily lives. Synonymous with checking our email we go to our Facebook for not only our daily gossip, but for up to date news and events. In the 2000’s computer purchases reached the 500 million mark (Technology Changes Peoples Lives). Is that part of our need to stay connected? What do these sites really do for us? Why the sudden craze to update our statuses? Did this birth change everything? Or is there something more to these networks? Social media has done for us that communication systems of the past has not. We are able to connect with friends and family and be part of their daily lives without even being in the same country. Our up to date current events and an age old marketing tool we fondly know as “word of mouth” dubbed social media marketing by marketing companies (Did the birth of social media change everything?). In many cases social networks have brought people together in countless forms. In finding long lost friends, meeting the unlikely best friends, getting back on track with your health or even coming in contact with an almost sister kinship with another, none possible without our social networks (How Social Media Changes Lives). This new media keeps us up to date with and politics and current events. Bigger gatherings and protest have been organized with this tool. Politics have a new force to reckon with, with social media (Occupy Wall Street's Message? Try Checking Facebook). Voices normally not heard can speak out and make a significant difference reinventing politics. We can see this in an excerpt from; UK Prime Minister, Gordon Brown
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