Is Really Important the Money?

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Many times people who use that expression seem to be indicating that money isn't really the most important thing in life. They say, "There are plenty of other things that are much more important than money." And, looking at it from that point of view, they are right! Love, happiness, good health, a good marriage and a decent place to live are all more important than money.
There have been a number of very wealthy people who have said that they would have gladly traded their net worth for health. All the money that they had could not bring them the health that they desperately needed. So in that case, yes, money isn't everything.
Sad and lonely people on many occasions over the years have expressed that they would have given up all their riches for love and happiness. Their bank account could not bring them love, happiness and joy. So, once again, from that perspective, money isn't everything.
Although the above examples demonstrate an honest and innocent expression of the phrase, "Money isn't everything," more often than not, the expression seems to come up when people have a slanted view towards money, wealth and prosperity.
Some people's whole goal in life is to see how much money they can obtain. Perhaps you've seen the bumper sticker that reads, "Whoever gets the most wins." Yes, there are people who are obsessed with making as much money as they can simply for the sake of accumulating as much as they can. That's their whole purpose in life.
Some people think that money is evil. However, money in and of itself is amoral. It is neither good nor bad. Money is simply a means of exchange. People think that money is evil because they hear others misquote the Bible in saying that "money is the root of all evil." Actually, it says that, "the love of money is the root of all evil." Those two statements are very different!
Loving money means you can never get
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