Is Marijuana a Dangerous Drug

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IS MARIJUANA A DANGEROUS DRUG? A drug is any substance, solid liquid or gas that brings about physical and/or psychological changes in the body. A dangerous drug is a drug with a strong analgesic action and addiction potential it may be synthetically derived or derived from natural sources. Marijuana is a drug that comes from the Cannabis Sativa plant. Marijuana is a psychoactive drug (Psychoactive -of or pertaining to a substance having a profound or significant effect on mental processes: a psychoactive drug.) A psychoactive drug is a chemical substance that acts on the central nervous system where it alters brain function. The active ingredient in marijuana is Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) this is the chemical that makes you feel high (a euphoric state, esp drug induced). Being high means your mood; perception and or feelings will be altered to some degree. It would depend on what part of the plant was used, to how much of a high (intoxication) one would experience e.g. the flowers or heads have higher levels of THC than the leaves and the stem. As one usually feels pleasant from the high, psychoactive drugs are usually abused despite the risks or negative consequences. Marijuana cultivation and possession remains the world’s most popular illicit drug used for recreational purposes, it is illegal in most countries and r good reasons. This essay will explain why marijuana is a dangerous drug, by examining the main areas of controversy which are the affects on the brain, mental illness tendencies and medicinal uses. Effects on the brain Marijuana can be consumed in various ways eg: smoked either as a joint (cigarette), through a pipe or bong this is when it is inhaled and the THC enters the lungs, the lungs absorb the smoke

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