Is Learning in the Traditional Classroom More Beneficial for Students Both Academically and Socially

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Is Learning in the Traditional Classroom More Beneficial For Students Both Academically and Socially Brooke Deeter ENC 1101 – 18 Everest University Is Learning in the Traditional Classroom More Beneficial For Students Both Academically and Socially Learning online used to be a more rare way of learning new information for both the K-12 student and the college student. However, as time has passed and technology has become more popular and convenient the use of a computer and internet for learning has also become both more convenient and popular among all types of students. This has also made a new path for instructors, leaving them the option to choose different ideas other than the traditional means of teaching students new information. Like any other upcoming new ways of life, there are problems and benefits. In comparing both learning in the classroom versus online there are many difference s and similarities in skills/learning development and socializing; both having their own positive and negative impacts on students. When asking students and conducting research on the topic I found there to be a lot of opinions on the benefits of online learning. Some of the benefits of online learning can include solutions to scheduling conflicts, enhancement and expanding of skills pertaining to digital learning and extra time to complete projects, giving the students a less chance of dropping out (Metz, 2010). Aside from these benefits students online are able to socialize with international students they would most likely not get the chance to communicate with in the traditional classroom setting. This can be intriguing to students who want to learn more from other cultures. As an online student myself, I enjoy getting to socialize and learn from students that come from completely different cultures than my own and this makes the experience more enjoyable.

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