Is Genetic Screening Right or Wrong?

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Is Genetic screening right or wrong? Today, I’m going to be talking about “genetic screening” and whether it is right or wrong. So, what is genetic screening? Genetic screening can be either a simple matter or a complex one. It may be motivated by the individual’s desire to rule out potential disease in self, present children or future children, or it may be used on a broad spectrum to find potential for genetic disease in large populations. It has also been used as a form discrimination, where patients who attempted to buy health insurance were “screened” out by insurers to avoid paying extra costs. Many governments now have specific rules governing how insurers, employers or others may treat genetic information. So, is it right? Genetic screening definitely has its benefits, allowing you to possibly pre-determine future diseases in a child. But there are also many risks. Such as a endorsed miscarriage because amniotic fluid or tissue from around the fetus is needed for the test. The test results only come back if your child is more likely than not to have a disease, the percentage could still be small, but a parent may panic and terminate the pregnancy. The child could have been perfectly healthy, but the test showed traces of a disease in their gene pool. Screenings can also show if a baby has a certain eye or hair color. The screening can cost thousands of dollars, to not even receive a result. When talking about genetic screening being either good or bad, it all comes down to your morals and values. Do you think its okay that people will get these screenings done so they can terminate a child who isn't good enough? Who doesn’t have the blue eyes they want? Or do you think that it’s good because a family with a long history of genetic diseases can finally end the line? So, really, it all comes down to you morals, and how much you value human

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