Is Frankestein a Gothic Story?

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Is Frankenstein a Gothic Story? Can Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein” be classified as a Gothic Story? Gothic Literature has multiple elements. The “Frankenstein” text is well written and Shelley uses different Gothic Elements to prove that it is a Gothic text; she uses distinctive diction to create fear and horror and has a staggering way of portraying the setting of the story. The first Gothic Element is setting which is a key aspect in the story; the setting is a unique part of the story because it states the time, place, and circumstances in which a novel takes place, and often it is dark and menacing, to reflect the mood of the novel. The setting with the big castle like houses and the weather with all the wretched delusion and the fact the monster was bought to life in the dreary month of November. Setting helps the reader see a form of imagery or foreshadowing because gothic literature has dark and scary atmosphere, the setting helps the reader understand the story more, in the sense that they feel present in the story. In Frankenstein, the setting of the story is very dark, depressing and mysterious, suitable for the setting of a gothic text. This is shown with lines such as, “It was on a dreary night of November” or, “It was already one in the morning”. Words like ‘dreary and already’ express how the doctor is feeling about his project, (Frankenstein’s project was the, “Sole purpose of infusing life into an inanimate body.”) and he isn’t particularly happy about the final product of his experiment although he had spent two long years working on it, this is shown by the line, “I had worked hard for nearly two years”. Later in the story, the setting is changed, but the atmosphere of the story is still the same, steadily escalating into a more frightening mood, where the monster is now alive and on the loose. Fear and horror, the element of fear and horror,
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