Is Deception Ever Justified? Updated Format.

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Ryan Fraser Reg. #: 12/0917/0021 FOT: Geological Engineering Department Thesis: Is deception ever justified? What is deception? It is the act of deceiving through disinformation. Is it ever justified? Yes, it is justified. Deception, for as long as time can tell, has been the stepping stone of all political and military based conflicts. In fact, it is argued that deception is an infrequent but inevitable part to all human- social interactions. However, the use of deception is not limited to human- social interactions; flora and fauna also blithely use of deception in their natural habitat (Mitchell & Thompson, 1986)8, but this “depends on two criteria: first, is it intentional; and, second, is it designed to gain the edge for the practitioner.”1 First of all, deception in the field of camouflage and concealment is designed to actively mislead and is commonly used in nature. Some species of flora and fauna in their natural habitat use varied protective colorations’ to protect themselves. Hence, this makes them difficult to spot, as they mimic their natural environment so that they may be of little importance to predators. Is it natural for animals’ to use deception to protect their nesting grounds and offspring? Yes, these animals through natural instinct lure predators away from both their nests and offspring by false pretense. An example of such an animal is the American Oystercatcher. They protect their nest and offspring under pretense of “a broken wing” and even calling out in protest when disturbed by predators. (2)(3) Moreover, deception in a military conflict can come in a wide variety of forms. Military deception by nature is not openly acknowledged or displayed and can be defined as “those measures designed to mislead the enemy by manipulation, distortion and falsification of evidence to induce the enemy to react in a manner prejudicial to

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