Is Biofuel Necessary

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IS BIOFUEL NECESSARY? In today’s world, rapid increasing of population leads to the requirement of finding and inventing alternative energy sources. Because of this necessity, plant-based fuel system that is biofuel is thought as an alternative energy source. Soybeans, corn, flaxseed, rapeseeds, palm oil can be used to produce ethanol and biodiesel which is used to as biofuel. Chevron (2011) claims that, biofuel could handle with the necessities of people in the field of technological developments , industry and environment (p.2). Although those, who are on the side of biofuels, state that these kinds of fuel are beneficial and environmentally friendly, regardless of disadvantages of biofuels, they should not be used because they leads to environmental disruption, difficulties in process of the production. First of all, biofuels lead to environmental problems. To try to take a lot of energy and huge amounts of energy, which is necessary to make factories and transportation elements work, tendency towards plant-based fuel increase. However, to produce this energy , more land is necessary. Moreover, it is nearly impossible to find proper land which are suitable for plant-based fuel. Due to the insufficient land, another problem emerges; defloration. With increase of population as well as technology, the needs of people welcomed by increasing factorization. To deal with how free-space could be found, the answer comes from the side of forests. To make industry system work , the basic energy of those systems is thought as biofuel. Because of these problems, the spaces of forest would be destroyed two times, one is for space of industry, factories ; the other one is for space of sources biofuels. The other negative result of biofuels is undoubtedly high amount of carbon emission, sunflower and sugar corn. However, these are harmful to the air
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