Investigatory Project Essay

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The Feasibility of Pandan (Pandanus tectorius) leaves extract as Cockroaarch(Periplaneta Americana) Buster INTRODUCTION A. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY The prices of commercial pest killers are slowly rising due to the rising cost of production. So most Filipino families rely on cheap alternatives as their source of pesticides. Since plants are sometimes recognized by their odors, the researchers focused on determining if Pandan (Pandanus tectorius) contains the scent that could be useful in killing cockroach. B. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The study will be conducted with the following objectives: 1. Produce cockroach buster from leaves extract present in our biodiversity. 2. Incorporate the pandan leaves to create much accessible thing to ease the home problem on cockroach. 3. To recognize the solution for our home problem on cockroaches. C. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY Cockroaches are commonly known as harmful insects, they can carry virus caused from their bad odors. Since our homes can be their habitual places, there is a possibility that members of the family will be prone to diseases. In that reason, the researchers conducted a study in order to pursue the new product that can be called as the PANDAN LEAVES COCKROACH BUSTER, a product that is environmental friendly and at the same time economically acceptable. D. TIME AND PLACE OF THE STUDY The researchers conducted an experiment on making an environmental friendly product called Pandan Cockroach Buster. It was held at the Ramos’ residence. The study consumed approximately four days for the making, and five days for the testing. It was held on January 7- January 16, 2011. Review of the Related Literature Pandan In the Philippines, pandan leaves are being cooked along with rice to incorporate the flavor and smell to it. As can be observed, the uses of the

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