Introduction to Communication in Health, Social Care or Children and Young People’s Settings

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1. 1 People communicate to: - make relationships - Develop relationships - Obtain and share information - Express and share information - Express thoughts and ideas - Give and receive support - Express feelings, wishes, needs and preferences 1.1 Knowledge Assessment Task Who took part in this example of communication? Service user, Support worker What happened? Describe the communication you observed. Both the Service user and the support worker were sitting down, facing each other and discussing about what activity the service user would like to do that day. The service user was quite animated and excited, expressing their desire to go and look around a town centre further out, the support worker responded positively to this and said that this was something they could do that day. What were the reasons for this episode of communication? The service user choosing the activity they would like to do that day. 1. 2 You need to have good communication so you can make and develop good relationships, be able to give and receive support, express, obtain and share information and so you can understand someone whether they are: - Service users - Visitors - Colleagues - Managers and Supervisors - Social workers - Medical staff - Teachers/Tutors - Your assessor 1.2 Knowledge Assessment Task Focus of communication: 1) Communication with service users 2) Communication with service users, visitors or relatives 3) Communication with colleagues Identify reason you need to communicate: 1) Make a relationship, Develop the relationship, Obtain and share information, Express and share information, Express thoughts and ideas, Give and receive support, Express feelings, wishes, needs and preferences 2) Make a relationship, Develop the relationship, Obtain and share information, Express and share information, Express thoughts and ideas, Give
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