Internet vs School

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In schools one learns how to read and write, the two most fundamental necessities one must have to function in the world. An illiterate wouldn’t be able to use the internet even if it is effective and efficient. To add further, even self learning may not be as fulfilling as being taught from experience and expertise. Internet resources are not always reliable, whereas teachers in schools provide useful and accurate information in a systematic process. Not only do schools provide us with a well structured approach to learning, but they also help develop one of the most essential elements to our well-being, discipline. Each school has certain rules and regulations and a set timetable which is followed systematically. This is extremely crucial for the development of discipline and order which are the keys to success in life. If there were only internet to follow, one would follow any routine and would not know what to prioritize. Good habits such as getting up early, regular meals, and well defined study habits can be mentored only through discipline and schooling. One of the most important advantages of having physical schools is to develop social life and communication skills. Every school has a social atmosphere where one learns about different cultures, people, and habits. This very aspect helps one to develop important communication skills which are required for the real world ahead. Moreover, one is taught to respect ones elders, teachers, and other people. With the availability of the internet alone one would surely not develop any of the above social and interpersonal skills. Sports and physical activities are also necessary in a person’s life. Physical schools always provide playgrounds and sporting facilities. Coaches teach students about different sports and develop interest and skills in a particular sport. Students and colleagues on the other hand also
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