International Strategic Alliance

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Essay about: Topic #9: International Strategic Alliance International strategic alliances can be effective ways to spread new technologies rapidly, to go into new markets and avoid governmental restrictions expeditiously, and to learn quickly from the leading firm in a specific field. As an example the Star Alliance - the airline partnership founded back in 1997 – is one of the most famous strategic alliance in the world and a success story from its very beginning. The partners Lufthansa, United Airlines and Air Canada harmonized their flight plans, destinations and partnered in operations such as Maintenance, to reduced costs and increased attractiveness to customers by providing more benefits for them. This alliance was successful enough that further international airlines joined in the following years and built today’s biggest international alliance network in the aviation industry. Why come companies together in international strategic alliances and what chances and risks are they faced to? According to literature, international strategic alliances can be defined as “an arrangement between two companies that have decided to share resources to undertake a specific, mutually beneficial project. A strategic alliance could help a company develop a more effective process, expand into a new market or develop an advantage over a competitor, among other possibilities.” ( In scientific literature different forms and classifications of strategic alliances are explained. According to the direction of cooperation vertical, horizontal and lateral alliances can be distinguished. While vertical alliances include cooperation with suppliers or customers, horizontal alliances are characterized by the cooperation on the same level of value added creation. Lateral alliances involve the cooperation of companies from different industries. (Holtbruegge, 2005) As

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