Intelligence on Personality

1943 Words8 Pages
TO STUDY THE IMPACT OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE ON PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT IN EARLY TEENAGERS SUBMITTED BY- RISHIT MASALIA PRASAD HOLKAR SHEJAL JAMDADE APOORVA SWAMI VIVEKANAND RATHOD SUSHRUT DHANANDHARE SINHGAD INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, VADGAON (BK), PUNE 1. INTRODUCTION What Is Emotional Intelligence? In the last ten years, researchers have found that IQ isn’t the only predictor of a person’s success. They are now looking at emotional intelligence (EQ) as another determinant of a persons’ success in life. Emotional Intelligence (EI) is one’s ability to detect and manage emotional cues and information. EI refers to an assortment of non-cognitive skills, capabilities, and competencies that influence a person’s ability to succeed in coping with environmental demands and pressure. Emotional Intelligence is the ability to accurately perceive emotions in one's self and others, to identify different emotional responses, and to use emotional information to make intelligent decisions. A leading expert on EQ finds that "people good at managing relationships tend also to be self-aware, self-regulating, and empathetic”. The core competencies required for emotional intelligence are "the perception of emotions in one's self and others, the understanding of these emotions, and the management of emotions". Success in the modern workplace requires teamwork and collaboration. According to Goldmen, EQ consists of 5 major qualities or characteristics. 1. Knowing ones emotions (self-awareness) 2. Managing emotions (mood management) 3. Motivating oneself (self-motivation) 4. Recognising emotions in others (empathy) 5. Handling Relationships (interpersonal skills) Although children are born with different temperaments, or how they approach things-social, laid back, intense, shy, etc., EQ helps parents and teachers
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